The film starts off with an amazing atmosphere that really sets the mood for the rest of the movie. The movie follows 1 main girl who goes with her bestfriend to her family farm house with her friends young brother, mother and father. During the night the family are killed apart from the friend and the girl follows the killer and trys to save her friend.
1 hour in and I am on the edge of my seat, "High Tension" really deserves its bloody name! The gore was delicious and the tension building scenes we nail-biting! The main girl was lovable and the killer had such a simple attire and personality but it still managed to creep me out. So far this film was amazing, a true gem of horror...but then the twist happened...oh the twist...
The twist, the SHITTEST TWIST EVER! The second the twist occurred I literally said out loud "What the cunting fuck is that!?". I was disappointed to say the least. I will not spoil this movie for you but the twist is one of those twists that make you want to watch the film again, just to make sure that the twist made sense and fitted the film. It fucking didn't. A shabby twist. It was impossible, there is no way that the twist was true (if that makes sense)
Overall this film was phenomenal up until the twist.(SLIGHT SPOILER!) If I was to watch it fresh I would turn it off after the killer was killed by our heroic main character, it would of been an A+ without the twist, but now its B+
This film is definatly SICK but the twist was SHIT. I highly recommended this fantastic film!
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