Monday, 16 January 2012

Horror Remakes: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

I (Dan) have only recently become a fan of horror movies, not that i never used to like them but just that i didn't have the means to watch them nor did i have the balls. As a young horror addict i have had remakes rammed won my throat at a young age (Not the only thing (I go to a catholic school full of horny priests)) without even watching the originals, although many stuck-up horror supremacist would look upon me as a mislead sheep, for me it is not entirely a bad thing...some remakes are just as good if not better than their predecessor.

So, here we go...

The Haunting - Original vs. Remake ................................................. ORIGINAL!

Let The Right One - Original vs. Remake...........................................REMAKE!
----Let Me In is a fantastic film with characters that i admire almost instantly

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - Original vs. Remake....................... Tied
---- Fuck OFF - The remake is banging!

Halloween  - Original vs. Remake .....................................................ORIGINAL!

Psycho  - Original vs. Remake............................................................ORIGINAL!
----No competition

Black Christmas  - Original vs. Remake..............................................ORIGINAL!
----Remake is one of the worst films in existence 

Piranha  - Original vs. Remake............................................................REMAKE!

The Last House On The Left  - Original vs. Remake............................REMAKE!

Dawn Of Dead  - Original vs. Remake................................................REMAKE!
----The remake has great cinematography and great characters

Friday The 13th  - Original vs. Remake...............................................REMAKE!
---- I have no idea why the original is critically acclaimed....its bollocks

Nightmare On Elm Street  - Original vs. Remake...............................ORIGINAL!

The Amityville Horror  - Original vs. Remake....................................Tied
----Both are bollocks

The Hills Have Eyes  - Original vs. Remake.......................................REMAKE!

The Fly  - Original vs. Remake..............................................................REMAKE!

The House On Sorority Row  - Original vs. Remake............................REMAKE!

The Eye  - Original vs. Remake..............................................................ORIGINAL!

So here are my thoughts on many of the most recent and popular remakes...If you would like SOShorrors opinion on any other remakes just ask.


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