Saturday, 4 February 2012

Human Centipede 2: Full Sequence - Movie Review - "Mouth To Anus!?!?!?!?" - SICKorSHIT - Dans Verdict

Martin is a mentally disturbed loner who lives with his mother in a bleak housing project. He works the night shift as a security guard in an equally grim and foreboding underground parking complex. To escape his dreary existence, Martin loses himself in the fantasy world of the cult horror film "The Human Centipede (First Sequence)", fetishizing the meticulous surgical skills of the gifted Dr. Heiter, whose knowledge of the human gastrointestinal system inspires Martin to attempt the unthinkable. -- IMDb Plot: The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence) (2011)

Amazing blu-ray cover art
In the months leading up to the release of this film I (Dan) was waiting with gritted teeth to be utterly disgusted....and thankfully after viewing this film i can say it lived up to my expectations (bearing in mind i watched the censored version.)

Just to set the record straight, this film is grim, cheese and crackers is it grim! Shitting in mouths, crushed babies, wanking with sandpaper, centipede invaded arses and an incestual pedophiliac father.....but its not all doom and gloom...there are vast amounts of female nudity to keep you happy.

The casting for the main character "Martin" was perfect, the actor has a eerie feel to him and has a disturbing presence; in the words of Alan Partridge "Scum, Subhuman scum!" From the advert never did i think that i would feel sympathy for this man! But i defiantly did when his failed abortion of a mother ripped up his 'ickle book!

There are many good points about this film. The gore is amazing, it blows Hostel and Saw out of the water. The black and white in this film took me abit of time to get used to but when I did I absolutely loved it, the decision to make it like this was a great idea by Tom Six who has really developed his film making skills with this film.

The ending leaves you cold and wanting more, it can be interpreted in many ways
 it could be that Martin was dreaming it all and was indeed just fantasizing  about the whole event while masturbating OR it could be that he returned to his normal boring life and is still obsessed with The Human Centipede. 

I would recommend this film to people who love their gore BUT it is not a fun movie. This film is grim and is not exiting to watch. I would still recommend it to people but only if they want a depressing film.

I cannot wait for the next film in the trilogy!

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